FFf Eclectic Red Barn: My Autumn Tray


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

My Autumn Tray

Autumn Leaves on a Tray Tour

Autumn is a wonderful time of the year. Leaves change color and fall and the temperatures cool down. Here in central Florida the leaves don't change color, but they do fall and the weather has cooled down.  It's the perfect time for some fall decorating. 

It's time for the Autumn Leaves on a Tray Tour sponsored by Katherine's Corner

If you stopped by from Debra @ Common Ground, she does an amazing job. So beautiful.

I was inspired for my tray by this Pelt Stretcher that I got recently. I had no idea what I was going to do with it but somehow it ended up on my kitchen table. What I love about creating trays or vignettes is that you don't need to buy anything, just look around your home. (That's what I had to do)

Autumn Tray Tour. Share NOW. #trays #fall #autumn #fallcookbook #eclecticredbarn
Everyone has a pelt stretcher in their house, right?  

Autumn Tray Tour. Share NOW. #trays #fall #autumn #fallcookbook #eclecticredbarn

I must confess, that I forgot about the tour and at the last minute had to put this together. My fall baking cookbook was sitting out and I said why not? I bought it in Vermont last year. It has some amazing recipes. I only got one made last year and decided I was going to make a few this year. (None yet) 

Autumn Tray Tour. Share NOW. #trays #fall #autumn #fallcookbook #eclecticredbarn

I had this bowl in my cupboard. I love bowls, especially older ones. I was originally going to put some pumpkins it is, but the Fall in the Field, where I was going to buy them, wasn't until Sunday, and I had to have this done by Saturday. Thus the cookbook.

Autumn Tray Tour. Share NOW. #trays #fall #autumn #fallcookbook #eclecticredbarn

Next I grabbed some cookie cutters for the bowl. I found a boy and girl gingerbread  cookie cutters and a pumpkin one. I will be making gingerbread cookies in a couple of weeks. I usually make them in November. Don't know why!

Autumn Tray Tour. Share NOW. #trays #fall #autumn #fallcookbook #eclecticredbarn

On the other side of the bowl, I added the pumpkin cookie cutter and another pumpkin I made. 

Autumn Tray Tour. Share NOW. #trays #fall #autumn #fallcookbook #eclecticredbarn

These scarecrow figurines I have had for a long time. I also added these acorns that I made several years ago from Easter eggs. You can see how I made them here.

Autumn Tray Tour. Share NOW. #trays #fall #autumn #fallcookbook #eclecticredbarn

And that's how this Autumn tray was created. I hope you enjoyed it and remember, just look around your house the next time you want a vignette or need to decorate a tray. 

Autumn Tray Tour. Share NOW. #trays #fall #autumn #fallcookbook #eclecticredbarn

Please continue the tour and click over to The Painted Apron and see Jenna’s tray. It's wonderful.

Don't forget to check out all of the trays on the tour.

Autumn Tray Tour. Share NOW. #trays #fall #autumn #fallcookbook #eclecticredbarn

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  1. I have to admit, I've never heard of a pelt stretcher, but what a perfect base for a fall tray! I love your stoneware bowl and that recipe book looks fabulous! Making gingerbread cookies sounds perfect for November!

    1. Debra,
      I didn't know about it either until I saw them in an antique store. They had all sizes. I tried to get a small one so it would fit on my table. I seem to always get unusual items, but I love this.
      Making gingerbread cookies is a tradition with me. My grandmother made them and passed it to me and the bowl she used. My kids still love them.
      Loved touring with you.

  2. I LOVE this Bev! What a great idea to use a cooking theme for a tray in your kitchen! I've never heard of a pelt stretcher, but it certainly works as a base for your vignette. Using a vintage bowl and filling it with the cookbook, a pumpkin and cookie cutters is a brilliant idea! Your scarecrow figures are adorable and the acorns you made from Easter eggs are fantastic! The leaf candle is a perfect touch~ great hopping {touring} with you :)

    1. Jenna,
      Thank you. You are so sweet. Like I said, I had to put it together quickly, but sometimes, it works. I love having it in the kitchen. When I bought that pelt stretcher, I had no idea what to do with it, but it fascinated me. I had never seen one before. Loved touring with you.

  3. So cozy and pretty! How funny that we both used pieces inspired by Vermont! Great to tour with you!

    1. Shelley,
      Thank you so much. Yes, we are the Vermont girls is seems this time around. Loved touring with you too and your Vermont tray idea.

  4. Very sweet vignette for a tray. The scarecrow people are darling along with your homemade acorns. The fall cookbook is a nice touch. No, I don't have a pelt stretcher...LOL Kudos to you for putting together a pretty Autumn tray.

    1. Linda,
      Thank you for the kind words. I didn't think anyone else would have a pelt stretcher and their tray. lol! it has been a conversation piece. You might need to look for one. lol
      Loved touring with you.

  5. I love this Bev. I also had not heard of a pelt stretcher, but it's a fantastic base for your vignette. I love so many of the elements you used. The bowl is fantastic and I love the addition of the cookie cutters. Great to be touring with you today. XO- MaryJo

    1. Mary Jo,
      Thanks you so much. When I saw that pelt stretcher in an antique store, I wasn't sure at first what it was. They had all sizes but I wanted one that was not too big. This was the smallest and is still large. I wasn't sure what to do with it, but had to have it. lol!

  6. Now I want to do some baking! I like you tray very much the Easter egg acorns are so cute. Thank you for joining in the fun. Pinned! xo

    1. Katherine,
      Thank you for the sweet comments. I like fall baking although I must admit, I like baking all the time. lol! I love do this tray tour with you.

  7. I'm always amazed at the kinds of things people before us created and used. It's wonderful that a pelt stretcher of all things inspired such a charming tray for your kitchen! Of course it was your imagination that transformed this and a collection of your things into a tray that can delight all season! Loved the acorns you made. It's fun touring with you. Happy Fall!

    1. Sandra,
      I agree, so many clever ideas for trays. Who would have thought that a pelt stretcher became my tray - not even me. lol! it was just last minute design - no time to think about it. I always enjoy touring with you.

  8. OK, I have to admit that I’ve never heard of a pelt stretcher, so Googled it. Your arrangement using a vintage bowl and cookbook is a great conbination.

    1. Carol,
      I had never heard of a pelt stretcher either until I asked what is that. Then hubby was watching Mountain Men and there was some. I just loved the wood on the board.
      Thanks for the sweet comments.

  9. A pelt stretcher is now on my list of things to look for. It makes a great tray. The cook book looks quite intriguing and loved the bowl. Lovely idea for a Fall tray.

  10. Loved the use of a pelt stretcher as a tray. It is now on my list of things to find. The cookbook looks intriguing and the bowl works perfectly. Lovely Fall tray.

    1. Lynne,
      Thanks for the lovely comments. I hope you find one. I just happened to find it the last time I was up north. I am going to look for it again when I go up this weekend. Although, I think one is probably enough. lol! How many pelt stretchers do you need?

  11. This is a lovely tray! I love the addition of the bowl on top with other elements added in to it. IT's lovely touring with you! Pinned.
    Niki | Life as a LEO Wife

    1. Niki,
      Thank you so much for the sweet comments on my tray or pelt stretcher. It's fun to shop your house for items to use.
      I loved touring with you. Hope this week is better than your last few weeks.

  12. The pelt board makes a unique tray! And your stoneware bowl and cookie cutters has inspired me to make a kitchen vignette with my Christmas cookie cutters!

    1. Rachelle,
      Thanks for the sweet comment on my Autumn Tray. It was one of those things that I was wondering what to do with it when I bought it, but I knew that I had to have it. I can't wait to see your Christmas vignette.

  13. A very cool tray, actually! I'm impressed! It's cool that there are so many authentic objects on it that show that you created it directly. I've never done this, but I think it looks cool. I think maybe I should send this article to my neighbors' chat so that we can all get together for dinner and bring our themed trays there. I think it's a good idea, actually. This will allow me to get closer with them, I just recently moved like about 2 months ago, and I hope this will help actually because I want to fit in. Thanks


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