FFf Eclectic Red Barn: My First Home Grown Carrots


Monday, April 30, 2018

My First Home Grown Carrots

I am so excited to share with you my home grown carrots that I just harvested. Now, some of you have probably grown your own carrots and they might be bigger than mine, but that's OK. 
Eclectic Red Barn: Home Grown Red Carrots

These are my first ones, so I am so proud of myself. I received a free package when I bought some other seeds and I thought why not. As you can see, they are red ones. I forget the name since I didn't keep the package. 

I planted the seeds and then thinned them out and planted those. I figured I might get a few. I lost some when we were away and they didn't get enough water.

I may not have a great harvest, but I think enough for several meals at least. I picked some last week but since I was out of town, they didn't last until I got back, so I picked another bunch. 
Eclectic Red Barn: Home Grown Red Carrots

I am going to roast them with some other veggies. I am sure they will be great just because I grew them. Oh, it is the little things in life that make me smile!!!

Have you grown your own carrots or other veggies?
The post  My Home Grown Carrots first appeared on Eclectic Red Barn.

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  1. I forgot carrots come in different colors! :) These look delicious! I tried carrots the year before last when we lived in East Texas. They didn't get enough water at all but I had a couple little baby carrots. Trying again in NW Louisiana soil. We'll see! :)

    1. Cindy,
      I didn't know they came in different colors either until they sent me the seed package. I watered them a lot and I had them in pots. I was so thrilled and can't wait to plant more. Hope yours does well. Let me know.

  2. I love the bright red color and see you have a red(?) or is it a green thumb? Thanks for hosting and have a great week.

    1. Nancy,
      I don't know if I have a "green" thumb or not but I was so excited with these carrots. They tasted great too. Can't wait for the next batch.


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