FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Recycled Pretzel Containers


Friday, August 7, 2015

Recycled Pretzel Containers

My neighbor had these pretzel containers that were heading into her recycle bin. I just knew that I could use them. They sat in the garage for awhile and then I knew what to do with them. 
plastic pretzel containers
I was organizing the cat and dog food and need containers for Claire, our cat's food and one for Marina's extra food. So many plastic containers are too small, but these are a nice size.
I grabbed one of the containers and cleaned it. 
plastic pretzel container
Then I taped off an area that I would use as a label. 
plastic pretzel container with tape
I used black chalk paint and gave it two coats.
plastic pretzel container with chalkboard paint
Now I have a label to write either Claire's name or Marina's name.
plastic pretzel container with chalkboard paint
The container is looking pretty plain at this point. How to make it look better without spending too much?  I was heading to A.C. Moore to pick up something for another project and saw these cat and dog papers. For 29 cents they fit my budget.
cat paper

dog paper
Now I know you will think I am crazy, and you might be right, but as we were watching a movie, I cut out some of the images from the paper. 

I just applied them with Modge Podge. Here's Claire's container.
Cat food container

 Here's Marina's.
decorated dog food container
decorated dog food container
There are so many ways to decorate them, this was just mine. So if you need storage for your pets food, these pretzel containers are ideal. They would also be good for cereal.

I am showing you with and without food so you can see them.
Cat and dog food containers
I love to reuse containers. Here are some others I have done:  I used a swiffer container in my bathroom and I decorated some tin cans with burlap for flower vases
Plastic pretzel container to dog food container
What have you recycled lately? I would love to see it.

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