FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Do you want a hutch?


Sunday, May 31, 2015

Do you want a hutch?

We came back from our other house today and unpacked as usual. I was putting some things away when my neighbor knocked on my door. She had a hutch that she was putting out for bulk pickup and wondered if I wanted it. Now if you follow me, you know that each month we have "bulk pickup". This is where you can put out anything and they will pick it up. 
hutch for free

I have gotten many items this way - free stuff is great. My neighbors know that I collect and take just about anything. So off I go to her house to see it. They had kept it in their garage to store paint. Something must have leaked since there was a mess on the bottom shelf. 
paint damaged hutch

Of course I could not let it go to the garbage. Problem was, it was one piece - not two pieces like some hutches. It took two guys and two women to get it in the truck and two had to ride in the back with it to hold on to it. 
paint damaged hutch for free

It is here in my barn, were I would like to use it to store stuff. Not sure what yet.
damaged hutch

I tried to clean off what was spilled on the bottom shelf. I ended up putting some stripper on it and it still needs work. Doesn't look much better than the before picture.
cleaning paint from hutch

The glass in the door needs work too.
hutch doors damaged

Not sure when I will get to this hutch, since I am trying to get other projects done in the barn first. I have been making headway out there and then this arrives. I guess that is just the fun of getting new pieces to work on. 

I am so glad that my neighbors keep me in mind. They are great.
The post Do you want a hutch? first appeared on Eclectic Red Barn.

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