FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Growing Poinsettias


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Growing Poinsettias

Blooming Poinsettias!  Wow, I am so excited!

This time of year, many people buy Poinsettias for decorating. I usually do so as well. Then what do you do with them? When I lived up north I would wait for them to die and then throw them out. The last few years, after Christmas is over, I say to myself, "plant those Poinsettia plants and see if they grow and bloom" here in Florida. Unfortunately, that never seems to happen. They sit there for a while, and then I move them and forget to water them and they die. 

Blooming Poinsettia Plant in yard

Well, not last year, I planted them and watered them and I was rewarded. This year they bloomed. Just in time for the holidays. They are not as full as the ones you buy, but they are blooming none the less. 

Blooming Poinsettia Plant in yard

Maybe this is just the beginning. I have seen some that were planted that are over 6 feet tall. I can only hope. Maybe next year it will be even better.

Blooming Poinsettia Plant in yard
As I am sitting here putting this post together, my Christmas Cactus is blooming as well. It has so may buds on it so I know it will still be blooming on Christmas Day. Sometimes when things get crazy, it is nice to look at lovely flowers and just enjoy their beauty.

Blooming Christmas Cactus
Hope you enjoy them as well!

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