FFf Eclectic Red Barn: Jute Wrapped Candy Cane Ornaments


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Jute Wrapped Candy Cane Ornaments

Jute wrapped pipe cleaners as candy cane ornaments
Jute Wrapped Candy Cane Ornament

Did you ever buy something and had no idea what you were going to do with it. Well, that is what happened to me before Thanksgiving.

I went to a yard sale and found this bag of jute "curls". Not sure what they were used for, maybe doll hair.

Anyway, I kept thinking that I could do something with this curly jute, so I bought the bag. The price was right since it was only 50 cents.

jute curls
Jute "Curls"

With the holidays keeping me busy, I forgot about the jute bag. Then today I was cleaning up my workroom and found the bag. I also found some Christmas pipe cleaners. I thought why not make candy canes. 

pipe cleaners for candy canes
Christmas Pipe Cleaners
I used two of them to make it stronger and twisted them together and then formed it into a candy cane.
pipe cleaners for candy canes
Twisted Pipe Cleaners into Candy Cane
pipe cleaner with jute wrapped around it
Jute Covered Pipe Cleaner

Then I took the curly jute and wrapped it around the pipe cleaner. When I was finished, I cut the jute at both ends of the candy cane and added some hot glue to hold the jute in place and finish it off. These Christmas pipe cleaners had pieces of glitter on them so when I applied the jute, some of the glitter showed through making it look even more festive.

After the jute was secure,  I added some decorative items to the candy cane. 

jute covered pipe cleaner with Christmas decorations
Decorated Jute Covered Pipe Cleaner Ornament
They turned out great and look cute on the tree. 

jute covered pipe cleaner decorated for Christmas
Decorated Jute Covered Ornament

If you don't have any curly jute, you could always use regular jute. You could even wrap the jute around regular candy canes. The price was right for these ornaments.

I must admit, I still have "loads" of curly jute left over. What else can I use it for?

I linked up to The Shabby Creek Link Party. shabby creek cottage There are always great ideas flowing. 


  1. What a clever use for what-zit item! Love the rustic look of the canes.

  2. I like your term "what-zit" item. You sometimes have to go with what you have. Even if you don't know what it is.

  3. I found your blog on Google and read a few of your other posts. I just added you to my Google News Reader. You can also visit Jute Bag Exporter for more VamasaBags related information and knowledge, Keep up the great work Look forward to reading more from you in the future.

  4. This website has a good article and alot of content.thanks alot god blessed.

  5. I love this as a rustic decoration for my Christmas ornaments tree. Thanks for sharing.


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